Fibre Supplies
Adelaide Walker – (https://www.adelaidewalker.co.uk/_
A variety of fibres
Blacker Yarns – (www.blackeryarns.co.uk)
Dyed and undyed knitting yarns
Black Sheep Wools – (https://www.blacks heepwools.com/)
All kinds of yarn, knitting and crochet equipment, patterns and accessories
Chester Wool Co – (www.chesterwool.com)
Knitting yarns, but in wholesale quantities
Deramores – (www.deramores.com)
Selection of international yarn brands
Fairfield Yarns – (https://fairfieldyarns.co.uk/)
Industrial yarns
The Fibre Hut – (https://www.fibrehut.co.uk)
Fibres, dyes, equipment
George Weil – (https://www.georgeweil.com/)
Suppliers of a wide range of craft equipment and supplies.
Handweavers’ Studio, London – (https://www.handweavers.co.uk/)
Suppliers of yarn, fibre, wheels, looms and other equipment. Runs courses in weaving.
Hilltop Cloud – (http://www.hilltopcloud.co.uk)
Wide variety of fibres
John Arbon – (http://www.jarbon.com)
Stunning yarn and fibre.
Posh Yarn – (https://www.poshyarn.co.uk)
Sunday evening online auctions of luxury hand-dyed yarns
Lincoln Longwool – (http://www.risbygrangelongwools.co.uk/)
Fleeces, tops and sheepskins
My Fine Weaving Yarns – (https://www.myfineweavingyarn.co.uk/)
Suppliers of yarns, wool, cotton, silk and many more.
P&M Woolcraft - Seems now only to be working through their Facebook page
General supplies. Wide range of fibres, yarns, books, dyes and equipment. Pindon End, Hanslope, Milton Keynes, MK19 7HN. (01908) 510277
Sheep on Mars – (https://sheeponmars.com/)
Fibres and finished products
The Threshing Barn – (https://threshingbarn.com/)
Suppliers of all kinds of fibre for spinning, spinning wheels and spinning accessories. Also dyes.
Uppingham Yarns – (https://www.wools.co.uk/)
All kinds of yarns and fibres
Weavers Bazaar – (https://www.weaversbazaar.com/)
Weaving information and online fibre shop
Wild Fibres – (http://www.wildfibres.co.uk/index.html)
Natural fibres for spinning & felting
Wingham Wools – (https://www.winghamwoolwork.co.uk/)
Suppliers of all kinds of fibre for spinning, spinning wheels and spinning accessories. Also books, dyes and yarns.
​World of Wool – (htps://www.worldofwool.co.uk)
Fibres by weight, personal colour creation service, Yarns, fibres, dyes
Yarn Undyed – (www.yarnundyed.eu)
Undyed knitting yarns